Plants are usually harmless but there is one that is known for its invasive qualities – Japanese knotweed. Japanese knotweed is considered one of the most common problems encountered by property owners. This is because it produces thick and extensive roots called rhizomes.
Rhizomes can damage structures including walls, pavements, and other hard surfaces. In fact, rhizomes can even affect building foundations. You can have Japanese knotweed growing on your property. To help you get started, here are quick tips for dealing with Japanese knotweed:
Learn how to spot it
Before you deal with the plant, it is crucial that you know how to identify it. Experts say that the best time to spot the plant is during mid-summer and early autumn. During spring, you should look for reddish or purple shoots appear from the ground. The plant could grow up to 2 centimeters every day.
By summer, you will notice stems that are hollow having purple speckles. The stems could reach up to 3 meters in height. Its leaves alternate in each side of the stem appearing in a zigzag pattern. The flowers, which are creamy-white in color, will start to emerge in late summer. Over the winter, the plant dies but it will leave canes. Due to its rhizome, the growth is renewed every year and it can spread relentlessly.
Understand the Community Protection Notice
Unless required under the Community Protection Notice, you do not need to take any action when dealing with Japanese knotweed. It is advisable if you consider japanese knotweed treatment to eradicate the plant.
You are breaking the law if you caused the plant on your property to spread into the wilderness. This is a serious offense under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981. If you dig or cut down Japanese knotweed and remove it from your property, it will become a waste and it needs to be taken to a licensed landfill site.
Teaming up with neighbors
You must know that the root systems of Japanese knotweed will reach up to 3 meters deep and 7 meters across. By this stage, it is challenging to remove the knotweed.
A common scenario here is when the knotweed on your property extends into the next plot. It is crucial that you take a collaborative approach as neighbors. As soon as there is an agreement between neighbors, a solicitor should be hired. The solicitor will arrange the contract.
Check out soil brought to your property
You can minimise the risk of your property being invaded by these plants by checking the soil. It is prudent to check the soil brought to your property. This is to guarantee if it is free from knotweed. Aside from that, you should always ensure that the tools and machinery brought to your property are clean and free from any fragments of a rhizome. Keep in mind that even the tiniest fragment can grow rapidly.
Final word
The key here is to treat knotweed as soon as you are aware of the problem. If you delay, the plant will establish itself and this will be more challenging to take out. If you want to learn more about the plant, you can contact environmental agencies. They will give you more idea on how to effectively kill the weed and how to dispose of it correctly.