Change the Locks

Moving to a new building, whether a residential or commercial move brings lots of excitement and a considerable amount of stress. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first and tenth time, the stress of moving never seems to go away. Because there are so many things to think about, homeowners tend to forget to change the locks once they move into their new home. Experienced locksmith services in Preston specialise in replacement locks for all kinds of buildings, from domestic to industrial. When choosing a locksmith to replace locks in your new home, look for the following:

  • Affordable prices
  • Knowledge of the industry
  • Wide range of services
  • Reliability
  • Quality services & products

Here are some good reasons to change your locks when you’ve moved into a new home.

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Previous Tenants

If you don’t know the previous tenants, it makes sense to change the locks when you move in. Even if you know them, you never know who you can trust when it comes to protecting your property. You just don’t know who they’ve given a key to in the past and if that person is capable to burglarising your home. A frightening home office statistic states that your chances of getting burglarised within the first 12 months of moving into a new home are almost doubled compared to the average burglary rates in the country.

Fire Safety

If your locks are defective or just old, you should change them as soon as possible. You won’t be able to exit your home if the locks aren’t functioning correctly.